.. Flask-RESTAlchemy documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Mar 23 18:56:26 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Flask-RESTAlchemy's! ==================== A Flask extension to build REST APIs based on `SQLAlchemy`_ models. Exported models expose all their properties by default, making the definition of *Schema* classes optional. Installation ------------ Install Flask-RESTAlchemy with `pip`: .. code-block:: shell pip install flask-restalchemy or `conda` (package available on `conda-forge`_): .. code-block:: shell conda install flask-restalchemy -c conda-forge Minimal App ----------- Let's define a very simple *SQLAlchemy* model using `flask-sqlalchemy`_: .. code-block:: python from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Integer db = SQLAlchemy() class Hero(db.Model): id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) secret_name = Column(String) Expose SQLAlchemy models in a very simple way is one of the aims of Flask-RESTAlchemy. Just instantiate an `Api` object and use `Api.add_model` to expose a model through an endpoint: .. code-block:: python from flask import Flask from flask_restalchemy import Api app = Flask("tour-of-heroes") @app.route("/create_db", methods=["POST"]) def create_db(): db.create_all() return "DB created" # Set an SQLite in-memory database app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///:memory:" db.init_app(app) # Must be called before Api object creation api = Api(app) api.add_model(Hero, "/heroes") if __name__ == "__main__": app.run() `Api.add_model` creates methods GET and POST for the `Heroes` collection at ``/heroes`` and methods GET, PUT and DELETE for ``/heroes/:id`` Let's see it in action: .. code-block:: shell $ python app.py * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) $ curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/create_db DB Created $ curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{\"name\":\"Mr. Nice\"}" http://localhost:5000/heroes $ curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/heroes/1 { "id": 1, "name": "Mr. Nice", secret_name: "", } Serializers could be used to override the default serialization of models: .. code-block:: python class HeroSerializer(ModelSerializer): secret_name = Field(load_only=True) api = Api(app) api.add_model(Hero, "/heroes", serializer_class=HeroSerializer) In the above example, `secret_name` property will not be exposed on a GET, but can be updated in a PUT or POST. .. _conda-forge: https://conda-forge.org .. _flask-sqlalchemy: http://lask-sqlalchemy.pocoo.org .. _SQLAlchemy: http://www.sqlalchemy.org Documentation ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 source/api_reference